There is no doubt that everyone has a piece of technology which allows them to take pictures. Let’s face it, we all own devices that enhance what we saw and develop a small following online via social networks. However, the need for that perfect shot, the angle with the right shadow, this is all inside a great photographer. We have a great photographer with us today sharing his view and opinions of his role in Miami Photography. Photography by JMG Visuals. Follow JMG Visuals on Instagram.

Describe briefly what you envision while you are at a shoot. My vision during a shoot is complex. I picture many different positions, lighting, reflections, shadows, colors and other things while shooting. Mind is all over the place while my fingers hit the camera trigger. Definitely helps to keep me creative during shoots.
Where are you from ? and where are you going ? I am from Medellín, Colombia born and half raised. I am going wherever life takes me. Plan is to become a business owner with photography and travel the world.
How did you become a photographer?
I started off with just a drone a year ago. Had no clue about photography or what it really meant, but drones definitely got my attention. Met a friend who then taught me more about photography and encouraged me to buy a camera. I learned a lot through him and on my own, and I haven’t looked back ever since.

” An ideal photo session would be a nice sunrise or sunset setting …
… little to no clouds, slight breeze, beach or nature type style background, cool temperature and the perfect model. “
What is your favorite gear ? My favorite gear right now is Sony for cameras and DJI for drones. It’s what I own and they are top notch and have not disappointed one bit.
You are on a private jet & you can go to one place in the world. Where to ? I’m on a private jet, my top destination would be Bali. I absolutely love everything about that place and what it has to offer. So many beautiful views. A photographer’s dream for sure.
Define Success in your own words.
Success to me, means financial freedom and making good money with no debt. My family being taking care of and traveling and doing what I love. That to me is success.
What is the next project ?
The next project I’m working on is taking pics for a private jet managing company. They have an x amount of jets they manage and they want pictures of them for their website and to promote.

Name 3 elements of a great picture (video). 3 elements of a great picture are one, lighting. Very important to not over or under expose a pic. Two, sharpness. Have to make sure your focus is sharp on the subject you’re shooting. Three, framing. Framing is important because you don’t want to just take any shot, you want the foreground and background to have symmetry or leading lines, or a different focus, in order to capture your subject well.
What has been your biggest obstacle during this pandemic ?
The biggest obstacle during the pandemic was being Covid positive. I was so sick and out of it and I’m so glad I’m better and clear. I encourage everyone to please be careful and stay safe.
What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos ?When I first started taking photos, I wish I knew more about the camera settings. I started taking pics with everything on auto and thought I was doing things correctly. Thank god for friends and YouTube, I was able to learn a whole lot and be at the level I am today.

Photography by JMG Visuals.

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