When it comes to connecting more to one and other, some people look inward. They search themselves and eventually find themselves through prayer, meditation, or exercise. Other people search outward. Nature is our biggest connection to everyone all around us, even though we don’t see much of it through out our day. Luckily for us, we have a great photographer who captures nature and all its beauty. Follow Picbyles. Photography by Picbyles Feature.
Describe briefly what you envision while you are at a shoot. When I am about to take a shot, the first thing I think about is the main object that the picture is focused on. Afterwards I express my vision or ideas surrounding it.
Where are you from ? and where are you going ? I am from Cuba, I lived in Spain and I have been living in the US for about 9 years.
How did you become a photographer? I have always been attracted to the the story behind every picture and the process of how the world of photography has been improving. 8 years ago I bought the camera that I am using today and I have been taking pictures sporadically. This year I have taken more time to focus more on my craft.

I have always been in love with nature …
All the aspects I look for in a session can be found in nature and I love the idea of blending myself in a natural landscape to find relief from daily routine. I would like to add that anyone who reads this article be more aware of taking care of what our planet offers.
What’s your favorite gear? I have been using Nikon during these years and I have two cameras. I acquired this week a Sony camera that I find more modern and practical for my use.
You are on a private jet and you can go to one place in the world. Where to ?
Trinidad, Cuba. The city I was born and left at just 6 years of age. I would love to take pictures to any corner of that city and print them in a book while really getting to know the city.

Define Success in your own words.
For me success is doing something that you really like and seeing how others can enjoy what you have created and show some kind of interest in the process I took to reach a goal.
What is the next project ?
I like to collaborate with friends and help them with stuff related to photography. I am happy to help them by for example saving their memories in a photo. Photography by Picbyles Feature.
Name 3 elements of a great picture (video).

What has been your biggest obstacle during this pandemic ?
Seeing how our lives have completely changed overnight and everyone having to cancel all their plans and start a new normal.
What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos? I think it would be very important to take your time to first understand all the functions and configurations of your camera prior to any project.
Favorite Artist / Song / DJ to listen to right about now ? Leoni Torres, and his song Me Quedo Contigo
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